Arriving by car

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Arriving by plane

Primary airport is Zadar

  • Transfers to and from airport depend on the amount of persons (one direction):
    • 1-4   Persons approx. € 20.-
    • 5-7   Persons approx. € 30.-
    • 8-20 Persons approx. € 100.-
  • Transfer time: approx. 15 min.
  • Information about the airport hier


Secondary airport is Split

  • Transfers to and from airport depend on the amount of persons (one direction):
    • 1-4   Persons approx. € 150.-
    • 5-7   Persons approx. € 200.-
    • 8-20 Persons approx. € 350.-
  • Transfer time: approx. 2h
  • Information about the airport hier

 Transfer are paid directly to the driver in cash.